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Botanic Garden of SA Tour Opportunities for Stella Maris Port Adelaide visitors

Kate Driscoll and Carol Fort took a busload of Indian seafarers to the Adelaide Botanic Garden late last year, and they caught the train back to their ship. “They wanted to go somewhere green!” says Kate.

Kate has since received this email from Ryan Sims, the Volunteers Coordinator at the Botanic Garden and State Herbarium: -

“Hello Kate,

Great to see you at the Gallery on Friday eve. We welcome your interest in bringing Stella Maris Port Adelaide sailor groups to the Botanic Gardens.

As discussed, if you only have a smaller number of sailors (4 or 5) you would be welcome to attend the free guided walks presented by the volunteer Guides. Details here > Botanic Gardens of South Australia | Free guided walks

If you are however wishing to bring larger groups of sailors to the Gardens, I would recommend making a group tour booking. Please refer to the website above for details or I would be happy for you to contact me to make arrangements as we may be able to tailor the tour content to suit the sailors interests (i.e. we have a member of staff who has experience working at the maritime museum who would be able to present a tour with a maritime focus). We do however need to ask that groups tours are booked with as much notice as possible.

Happy to answer any questions you may have. Best wishes,


Ngaityalya (Thank you in Kaurna)

Ryan Sims (he/him) Volunteers Coordinator

Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium T: (08) 8222 9483

Adelaide Botanic Garden

Goodman Building, Hackney Road

Kaurna Country, ADELAIDE SA 5000

We acknowledge that the lands that we live and work on are the traditional lands of South Australia’s First Nations peoples. We pay respect to the traditional custodians of these ancestral lands and acknowledge their deep spiritual connection to Country.

The information in this e-mail may be confidential and/or legally privileged. Use or disclosure of the information to anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this email in error please advise by return email.



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